Lyrics & Music
The cosmological constant
In General Relativity
Implied the state of the universe
Must be steady
Then they pointed telescopes
Beyond our galaxy
And made careful measurements
And began to see
Redshifted Starlight, redshifted starlight
Light is the top speed in the universe
In Special Relativity
Photons from moving objects
Must change their frequency
Higher for objects moving closer
Lower for objects moving apart
This Doppler Effect from distant stars
All began to chart
Make more observations
Record the data
Perform calculations
Draw conclusions
Publish findings
Repeat observations
Record the data
Perform calculations
Draw conclusions
Publish findings
The universe is expanding
Is what this data shows
Exactly what is driving it
No one really knows
Later observations show that
This expansion is accelerating
Distant stars’ frequencies
Shifted even lower
Outro solo